
Sunday, June 19, 2016

Ways to Get Dads Involved

Being Father's Day and all I was thinking about ways we can get our students' Dads involved in our classroom activities. I think Dads are often a little more hesitant to get involved-I'm not sure why that is. But I make a conscious effort to change that.

1) We do Mystery Readers every Friday and at Open House I specifically address both Moms and Dads, encouraging them to come.

2) We have a special Dad's Rock Celebration where our fathers are served breakfast by their kiddos and they read poems they wrote about them.

3) We take a lot of field trips-but we go one that I think dads will specifically enjoy. We tour the local baseball park. It's a place many have gone to see a game, but have never been behind the scenes-in the dugout, in the VIP section, the pressbox. Many of our chaperones end up being dads.

What ways do you encourage your Dads to participate in the classroom?


  1. You've done well to get your dads included. I've heard of Donuts with Dad, although I've never done it.

  2. I feel like I could do better but yes, I'm trying. :)
